Innovative new technologies enabling IoT transformation
Kevin Bloch, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Cisco Australia and New Zealand
@ Everything IoT Summit 2015
You can’t win the race unless you instrument
Hundred of sensors collect live data that is being crushed and analysed on the fly to provide real time predictive analysis to optimise the outcome of a given situation. One example is in a Formula One race where the data collected is analysed and matched against pre-set scenarios (simulation) and then provide real time instruction to the mechanics in the pit stop on what tyres to put on and how much fuel need to be added to win the race (open loop). You can’t win the race anymore in any industry unless you instrument. So the question is how do we win the race. How can we win the race in terms of the Australian economy in terms of Government in terms of any Industry you wish. We can’t just do it anymore with just the human brain.
Moving from human scale to machine scale
We are now in an inflection point, as we are entering the third wave of the Internet we are moving from human scale to machine scale, where most things were done using the human brain to most things being done using computers. Already there are more things connected to the internet than humans and by 2020 Cisco predicts that 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet. Transformative change happens when you impact people and processes. A GE jet engine has 200 sensors transmitting huge amount of real data to the data centre and then get back real time optimisation instructions to improve the engine performance mid flight (close loop). At the same time, a sensors can pick up a certain part of the engine that is at the end of its life and send and instruction to the technician at the next stop to change that specific part at the next stop over. This is in line with GE vision of zero down time. We get a transformative change when we start bringing together the impact on people together with the impact on processes. Humans are only involved as an exception. Things changing processes impacting people.
We are instrumenting the earth - The Internet of Everything
Security is the underlying enabler for IoT. The numbers are mind blowing. The total value of IoT to public and private sectors are predicted by McKinsey to be 11 trillion dollars annually by 2025. So where are the opportunities where the relevance and usefulness come together? An example in the healthcare sector where a small company out of the UK called Proteus developed a tiny silicon that goes into a pill and transmits to the healthcare provider (through the patient phone) that the pills has been swollen. This small development can help reduce the 290 billion dollars spent annually by the American healthcare system only because people don’t take their medications.
The potential is huge and Australia is pushing the envelope in IoT adoption
There is more in IoT than in IT in order of magnitude. IT typically influence the internal operation of the organisation where IoT has the potential to completely change the way a company operate externally. Australia is the second largest company in terms of IoT sales for Cisco in the world.
The age of distributed computing is here
Fog computing is bringing the cloud and lowering it to the earth to enable computing at the machine level. There is a lot of computing power all around us and while we are instrumenting the world, 40% of the data will never go to the cloud. This is necessary as there is not enough bandwidth to transmit the huge amount of the data to the cloud and back. An example is a small South Korean company that enable the transmission of normal resolution video out of hundreds of cameras to a central location while providing a high resolution video only from the areas of interest per controller real time instructions. There are also examples where the latency is going to affect real time critical decision making as is the case with autonomous cars.
Cisco is open for collaboration
Cisco innovation strategy: Build - 25,000 engineers, spend $5.6 billion on R&D. Buy - Bought 182 companies so far. Partners - Intel, SAP, Rockwell, Honeywell and many more. Invest - Invested 2.2 Billion in 40 funds around the world. Co-develop - Build platforms that others can jump and develop on be creative and solve problems. Supporting STEM education in Australia while partnering with CSIRO to train kids and get them excited about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Innovation Centres - IoE innovation centre in Perth focused on mining and astronomy. Sydney to be focused on Agriculture and Smart Cities.
Turning knowledge into insights
Everything IoT Summit 2016 will take place in just four weeks, on the 17 October 2017 in the Australian Technology Park, Sydney. This will mark one year since we’ve launched Everything IoT with the mission to propel Australian IoT innovation. Our primary goal is to provide a global perspective by connecting startups and entrepreneurs with local and global corporations while facilitating and encouraging collaboration.
Since our inaugural Summit on 27 October 2015, we held three sold out focused forums in areas of great challenges and opportunities for IoT in Australia. These areas were: Data Security (March), Smart Cities (May), Agriculture Tech (July). All the events featured outstanding presentations and a highly relevant and engaging participation representing Industry, Startups, Government, Universities and the investment community.
During the next two weeks and in anticipation to the Everything IoT Summit 2016, we will summarise and share some of the insights captured in our events in the past 12 months. There is no doubt in our minds that IoT will fundamentally change the way we live and work in the very near future (5-10 years) and we encourage everyone from IoT enthusiasts and entrepreneurs to corporate executives, in any industry, to browse through our extensive video library of over 50 videos and past events presentations on SlideShare and come up with your own conclusions. The knowledge is there, it is your opportunity to draw your individual insights.
To encourage you to share your insights with our community we recently launched an IoT insights competition where all you need to do is capture key insights from any of our past events and you will get the opportunity to win free tickets to the Everything IoT Summit 2016. See insight competition details here.